Greta has been patient, lurking in the bushes, finding no better time to come for Donald Trump than on the final day of his presidency.

The climate activist has taken one last chance to troll Donald Trump, as she wrote a funny caption alongside a picture of the outgoing president boarding a helicopter ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration today: “He seems like a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” It becomes even funnier once you remember that Trump has been permanently banned from Twitter.

Thunberg has a long history of clapping back at Trump’s insults over social media. It’s only fitting that her recent tweet is a throwback to one of his tantrums in 2019, when he mocked her speech at the UN climate action summit.

Throughout his presidency, Trump caused lasting climate damage, getting rid of vital regulations, stoking misinformation, and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement – an international commitment to reduce emissions and curb the global average temperature rise.

On day one of his presidency, Joe Biden has signed an order to re-enter the Paris Agreement, and has long pledged to undo Trump’s rollback of environmental policies.



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